Thursday, March 26, 2015

REVIEW: Gluta Pure Soap

Hi sweeties! (✿◠‿◠)
It has been a while since I had posted a product review. I've been very busy this february and march in school.

I, or should I say "we" have tried many products with that period of time. Lol. Why "we" ? because I'm also sharing some products with my friends and I'm asking them about their personal experience with that particular product.
No worries, I will tell you if that review was given by my friends.
For now, I'm going to review a Thai soap which is named Gluta Pure Soap.

Let's start! ~

I cutted it in small pieces.

Some of the ingredients were not spelled right like Glutathaoine and octoclyrence.

  I really love it's milky scent! It smells like BabyKiss CC Lotion Wip Cream (I would make a review soon).
 Does not melt easily.
❤ Not drying at all.
❤ Cute packaging.
❤ Thai FDA approved.
❤ After you opened the box, the soap is also wrapped in plastic.
❤ Manufacturing and expiry date are printed clearly.

❤ Some of the listed ingredients are not spelled correctly.
❤ The soap is small, almost a half of a regular soap.

❤ 3.5 / 5 ~ I really like the smell but in terms of whitening, I see no changes yet. Maybe because I have only used this soap for a week.(*^-^*)

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